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We are Burning ! 

The Earth’s climate has changed over time, but this time it is different. Temperatures around the world are rising higher and quicker than any past era.


This is causing global average temperatures to rise. The evidence comes from plentiful data collected by many sources over time. We can see it around us: rising sea levels, melting ice caps and glaciers, more acidic oceans, destroyed coral reef and more severe heat waves, wildfires , droughts, and storms.


But, together, We can UNDERSTAND the problem, its cause and effects ; and take a STAND to make changes for a better future.  

What does Climate Change look like in Australia?





Carbon Footprint of Australia


As per global risk advisory firm Maplecroft, Australia was ranked 2nd worst carbon polluter in the world. With average CO2 emissions around 20.82 tonnes a year per person, Australia earned a label of ‘extreme risk’ and beat USA, Canada, France and China in relation to per capita CO2 pollution. The first to win this competition was United Arab Emirates among 183 other countries.

Under international climate agreements, Australia has two targets to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions:



According to the most recent Quarterly update, issued this year by Department of the Environment and Energy , Australia produced 535.7 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (Mt CO2-e) emissions. These emissions came from various sectors as seen in the graph on the right.


But, what does that even mean ? What does a ton of CO2 look like? 

As people cannot see the CO2 emissions from their cars and homes and airplane travel, most cannot visualize their impact.

The metrics available such as tons are not easy to understand for people.


It can be tough to wrap your head around “a ton of CO2”. We do not often think about gases having mass or weight. So, what does a ton of CO2 look like, anyway? An art installation at the 2009 UN climate talks in Copenhagen attempted to tackle that question. And visualize exactly what one ton of CO2 “looks like” in volume: 27 feet, cubed!


​On a per capita basis, Australia’s domestic emissions are among the highest in the world. In 2010, Australia’s daily per capita emissions stood at 73kgs, four times the world average and three times that of the EU.

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Similarly, Carbon Visuals is a start-up company in the UK that models and visualizes carbon volumes for any scenario, the output of entire nations, corporations, organizations, households and even individuals, like never. The image below shows the actual volume of carbon dioxide emitted daily, based on standard pressure at 15 degrees Celsius. 

In the year to September 2013, Australia added 542.1 million tonnes of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. So that we can see how much CO2 Australia is emitting, Carbon Visuals have been able to place the carbon volume right next to the Sydney Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge.



Identifying Causes and Solutions

The two major contributors for CO2 emissions are : Electricity and Transportation

We are focusing our projects on reducing CO2 impact from these two sectors.




Australia’s very high level of emissions per person reflects the nation’s heavy reliance on fossil fuels as a primary energy source and the dominant role of coal (an emissions-intensive fuel) in the production of electricity.



Generating electricity with solar power instead of fossil fuels can dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions, particularly carbon dioxide (CO2).



Transport is Australia’s second largest source of greenhouse gas pollution (after electricity). The major source of the problem is cars, responsible for roughly half of Australia’s greenhouse gas pollution from transport.


In fact, Australian cars emit roughly the same per year as Queensland’s entire coal and gas fired electricity supply.

The sector emitted 102 million tons carbon dioxide (MtCO2) in 2018, representing 18% of Australia’s annual greenhouse gas pollution.

Calculate and Reduce your CARBON FOOTPRINT

It is estimated that the average Australian has a carbon footprint of about 15 tonnes of CO2 per year. That’s way, way more than the 2 tonnes recommended for each of us if we want to keep global warming under 2 degrees Celsius by 2050.


Check out how much C02 emission you produce. Calculate your annual emissions here.


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