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Woolworths Select Continental Cucumber. It is long, usually 30?45 cm, and often individually wrapped in plastic because its skin is very soft and is easily damaged. The plastic stops the cucumber drying out and going soft. The cucumber skin does not need peeling. They are often referred to as seedless because when harvested at their best, the seeds are immature or virtually nonexistent. What to look for Choose cucumbers with a firm skin and an even colour. The shade of the cucumber is important; a vibrant green colour assures the buyer that the cucumbers have recently come from the vine, while a dull green or yellow indicates age. Availability All year. Store Store in the warmest place in the fridge and use promptly. Cooler times of the year they can be stored on the bench. How to prepare They don't need to be peeled.  Ways to eat Cucumbers are most popular raw as a salad vegetable. Slices of raw cucumber can be used like crackers when serving nibbles with drinks. Cucumbers can also be used in cold soup. They can be chopped and saut?ed, or juiced. Cooking Methods Microwave, saut?, steam, stuff.  View more

Select Continental Cucumbers each

SKU: W_137102
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