Nicorette QuickMist Nicotine Mouth Spray Cool Berry for fast nicotine craving relief. Nicotine is dispersed in a fine mist and is absorbed fast into the body. Starts to relieve cravings from 30 seconds 2x1mg sprays. Nicorette Quick Mist Nicotine Mouth Spray is a quit smoking aid. Nicorette mist spray offers fast relief from nicotine cravings and withdrawal symptoms. � Fine nicotine mist spray � Cool Berry flavour� � Quick absorption into the body for fast cravings relief - Starts to relieve cravings from 30 seconds *2x1mg sprays. � Replaces up to 150 Cigarettes for great value � 1mg of nicotine per spray � Each Quickmist spray bottle contains 150 sprays Nicotine spray may be used to: 1. Stop smoking abruptly, or, 2. Cut down smoking before stopping. Use nicotine mist spray with ActiveStop supporting you, body & mind. Visit the�Nicorette website for additional support in stopping smoking and information on other quit smoking products. This quit smoking spray can also be used in conjunction with other NRT products for better craving relief. Mouth Spray Nicotine Fine Mist Cool Berry Flavour Nicotine 1mg/spray View more
Nicorette Quit Smoking Quickmist Mouth Spray Cool Berry 13.2ml x2 pack
SKU: W_65268